The Team at Professional Plating is currently engaged in collecting personal hygiene and cleaning supplies in support of the Salvation Army‘s Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive. We know that some of you may want to support this collection as well but do not have an outlet to take supplies to. Professional Plating would love to be your outlet! We have a collection box for your donations located in our main office lobby on Northway Drive. Stop in Monday thru Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. to drop off your items. The collection runs through March 8th and all donation stay local.
Most needed items include: cleaning supplies, feminine needs, dental care, hair care, deodorant, bathroom tissue, baby/diaper care, laundry soap, kitchen-size garbage bags, paper towel, face/bath soap. If you do not have time to do the shopping, we will also accept monetary donations (check made payable to Professional Plating) and do the shopping for you!
These daily items that most of us take for granted, are very much appreciated by those in need. Here is just one example of the reaction from one recipient:
“I had a family living in someone’s garage and walking to the nearby gas station to brush teeth and wash up each AM and PM. Mom just bawled in my office about how daily living was just so hard. We gave them hygiene supplies from Help for the Homeless…soap, shampoo, lotion, dental care. You would have thought it was Christmas for this family…. mom was so excited and couldn’t believe they could clean themselves with actual soap and use their own deodorant. We also worked out a plan with the host family to allow some bathroom time. The things we take for granted!” – Elizabeth Webb, Green Bay Schools Homeless children and youth.
We invite you to be part of creating a better life for others and Be A Difference Maker!